Yahoo Mail - was good then and
is getting better |
I've had a Yahoo account since I was first
surfing the web. It just keeps getting better. Lately Gmail and some of
the other services have been adding more space for email. Now Yahoo
strikes back with a whopping 1Gb of email space and they are also adding
an inbox search. You won't have to worry about your inbox overflowing
anymore. The only thing they don't let you do is freely download your
email into another email program like Outlook Express. Don't worry about
that. I've found it's not a big problem if you figure out how to use MrPostman.
Yahoo also lets you store files online in your free Yahoo Briefcase and
Yahoo Photoalbum. Don't forget that Yahoo also lets you make websites
for free at GeoCities.
Website - Free Service Quote from the website - Coming soon! 1GB of storage, free to all users There's more in store with Yahoo! Mail. By early May, all free Yahoo! Mail users will receive an email storage increase to a whopping 1GB. That's enough space to keep thousands and thousands of emails -- so you'll never have to delete those important messages again! |