Clif Notes Freeware and Website Reviews
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 Help What is True Freeware?
My website and newsletter both specialize in freeware reviews. My site drew the attention of a great group of people that fly under the banner of "The Freeware Revolution". I accepted their invitation to join them and from now on I promise to make sure I classify any software I review here. If it's not true freeware, then I'll tell you. We will never tell you that software is bad because it doesn't meet the conditions below but we do want to educate everyone on what freeware is. Many websites offer "free downloads", but it's not the same as freeware. Don't be confused. Read the definition below.

True Freeware:
Software that requires no payments (in any form)
Does not have registration requirements
Does not come with spyware/adware or other malware bundled inside it
Has all features 100% fully working
Does not have time limits
Does not require payment for access to support information
Allows you to freely share the program with friends, family and collegues
Clif Notes Freeware and Website Reviews