Shake the Snow Globe - and
listen to them scream |
Thanks PilgrimDude. I had lost the link to
this funny flash website. I ran into it a year or two ago and had a blast
playing with it. Load the Globe and be thankful your house isn't in there.
Website - Quote from the website The Objective e-tractions thought they had a
great idea back in the 2000 holiday season. The Snowglobe was an edgy,
engaging, and, hopefully, viral way to show off the company's skill at
Internet marketing but it didn't work out quite the way they
expected.The Solution Snowglobe combines an eerie
soundtrack, a Norman Rockwell meets Stephan King storyline, and fun copy
to present an irreverent holiday scene. Even with all of this going for
it, the campaign did not take off when it was launched in 2000 to a series
of email lists and personal contacts. It was soon collecting dust in the
archives. The Results Then one foggy December eve in 2002,
someone came across the site and sent it to a few friends. 4 weeks and
200,000 visits later, e-tractions had grown its fan base on three
continents. An article in Marketing Sherpa details the entire campaign.