Password Generator -
one password to rule them all |
I subscribe to many websites and web
services. How can I possibly remember the passwords to all of them? Well,
to tell the truth, I use the same password at many of the sites and I also
use a old copy of AI
Roboform. Using the same password at different sites is a very bad
idea and I don't recommend you do it. If someone gets that password they
could have access to your whole net world.
Nic Wolff has created a web page that offer's
a good solution to that problem. You can still safely have one
password. Nic's page lets you type in the name of the web site along
with that master password and then it combines the password and site name
to create a brand new secure password. This password can be recreated if
you ever lose it. You just go back to Nic's site and type in your master
password and the web site's name and you will get back exactly the same
one you lost.
You can also "download" Nic's website onto
your PC so that you don't have to access the internet to use it. Just open
your browser to Nic's password generator page and click "File" "Save As"
and select "Web Page Complete". Then open up your new copy and bookmark it
so you can use it later.
Website - Tip and Cool Website
Quote from the website - I'm Nic Wolff, a Perl hacker from New
York City ... I hate passwords. I mean, I don't mind having really
important ones be made-up and memorized but what about all those
e-commerce and community sites that want me to create accounts? I end up
using the same password at all of them and then I feel stupid knowing that
one SQL Server exploit or disgruntled admin could cost me my whole
identity. Note that all this is done by your browser running the program
that's in the source of this page; nothing is passed back to my
server. |