Microsoft's 'Secret' Zip
Utilities |
Me2 at CHC came up with
this cool hack for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000. If you can't download his
batch files at CHC then you can make them by cutting and
pasting into Notepad as told to below. If you want to download those files
you will have to join
up as a member.
Quote from Me2 at CHC
Windows ME and XP have the ability to
open, create, and password-protect ZIP files (which Microsoft calls
"compressed folders", for reasons only they and God
Windows NT, 95, 98, and 2000, however, do
not include any way to handle ZIP files. By applying an obscure
Windows 98 update, you can integrate ZIP capabilities into these older
versions of Windows.
If you can't download the batch files at CHC,
cut and paste this section in small print directly below, into
Notepad and save it as 2N.bat for Windows 2000 or NT.
@ Echo Install Microsoft Zip utility @ Echo Windows 2000 @ Echo Courtesy @ Echo. MD %windir%\Temp\329048 Copy 329048*.exe %windir%\Temp\329048 CD %windir%\Temp\329048 Ren 329048*.exe 329048.exe Start "" /wait 329048 /q:a /c /t:%windir%\Temp\329048 Copy dunzip32.dll ..\..\System32 Copy dzip32.dll ..\..\System32 Copy zipfldr.dll ..\..\System32 ..\..\System32\Regsvr32 /s %windir%\System32\zipfldr.dll CD .. RD /s /q 329048 @ Echo. @ Echo Zip utility install complete If you can't download the batch files at CHC, cut and paste this
section in small print directly below, into Notepad and save it as
9X.bat for Windows 95 or 98.
@ Echo Install Microsoft Zip utility @ Echo Windows 95, 98, 98se @ Echo Courtesy @ Echo. MD %windir%\Temp\329048 Copy 329048*.exe %windir%\Temp\329048 CD %windir%\Temp\329048 Ren 329048*.exe 329048.exe Start /wait 329048.exe /q:a /c /t:%windir%\Temp\329048 Copy dunzip32.dll ..\..\System Copy dzip32.dll ..\..\System Copy zipfldr.dll ..\..\System ..\..\System\Regsvr32 /s %windir%\System\zipfldr.dll CD .. Deltree /Y 329048 @ Echo. @ Echo Zip utility install complete |