Microsoft offers tabbed
browsing--in IE 6 - a new function of the MSN
toolbar |
This new add on to the MSN toolbar appears to
be a last ditch effort by Microsoft to keep people from abandoning IE6
until the new IE7 comes out. If tabbed browsing is all you really want,
I'd actually recommend that you use FireFox. For IE based
browsing, try Avant
Browser, SlimBrowser,
or Maxthon before you resort to the
toolbar. I don't know what the privacy concerns are for using this
toolbar, but I'm not sure I can trust Microsoft to keep their prying eyes
out of my surfing.
Warning: Some of the tabbed browsers above
use IE for bringing in web pages, alway keep your Windows updated and check
your browser security at one of the test sites. Even FireFox has the
occasional security hole in it so keep it up to date also.
Quote from the website -
NEW! Browse smarter with tabs - Switch between Web sites
within the same Internet Explorer window
NEW! Find anything - Search the Web any time, anywhere, and easily locate documents, e-mail messages, and more on your PC Shop faster - Fill out online forms with one click Access MSN services - Get one-click access to Hotmail, MSN Messenger, and MSN Spaces |