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 Security Malwhere - turns away from the darkside
Website - Download - Freeware - Win2k WinXP Win2003
About a year ago, I tried out this program and it was full of nasty "sponsor" programs. The sponsor programs were a real witches brew of adware and it took me two hours to clean it up. The author of the program recently wrote me this ...
From Ran Geva:
I wanted to update you about MalWhere and tell you that doesn’t contain adware anymore. There was an older version of MalWhere that included WhenU adware - A BIG mistake on my behalf. A mistake I am trying to fix these days. The new MalWhere version is developed from scratch and is totally clean and free – and it will remain free and clean! I hope to create a full and reach community around this unique program. No other program uses the collaborative intelligent of the WWW to identify threats, MalWhere does. I could have just changed the name of the application and get it over with, but I want to make it right. I am trying to clean the damage I have done by emailing and speaking with anyone who wrote badly about MalWhere (rightfully).
Well, I didn't trust him on his word alone and so I downloaded and installed Malwhere. I found he was correct in his claims that he's cleaned up his act. How good is the program at protecting you from adware and other malware? I don't know. I think we'll have to wait for some reviews from the experts to tell us that. In the mean time, I'll retire my old review and give Ran a chance to prove himself. In return, I would like to see an apology page at his site. I'm almost certain many people lost valuable information when all that adware finally crashed their poor overloaded PC's.

Quote from the website -  MalWhere goes through all the running processes and try to match a description and risk factor. If MalWhere cannot find a description on its local database, it queries Google for more information. Using its AI (Artificial Intelligence) engine, MalWhere analyzes and evaluates the results it receives and determines the threat and description for the process. MalWhere also displays a list of the files that loads on Windows startup. Using the same procedure described above, MalWhere analyzes each file and gives you the option to remove it from the startup list.
 Clif Notes Freeware and Website Reviews