- free web
button/menu creator |
This is a good piece of software just
made for a fairly experienced webmaster. If I'd been a newbie at
this I would have had a tough time figuring out how to use the program.
Once you do figure it out, it can give you an amazing variety of buttons
and menus. When you are done you can easily export it to an html file. The
author should really include some wizards to make it easier to use for the
average person.
Website - Download - Quote from the website t's very simple to work with the program. You just change the graphic parameters of buttons such as 3D shape, lighting, texture, material, shadow, deformation. All other actions perform automatically by the program. Free Buttons creates proffessional quility images, generates a javascript that interacts with normal, mouseover, and click mouse events for rollover effect, and inserts the menu into your html page in a position you want buttons to appear. Ability to work with templates allows you to make your menus even faster. |