Clif Notes Freeware and Website Reviews
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Editors AOLpress - wysiwyg web publishing tool
AOLpress is a great WYSIWYG web page editor. It's starting to become a little dated now, but this tool would be perfect for someone who is just learning web publishing or just plain doesn't care to learn html.

Download 3.5mb - This product is no longer supported by AOL but is still freeware.

Quote from the Help files
 Browse and Editing
There is an important difference between AOLpress and other Web browsers. AOLpress is an editor and a browser. The editing and formatting features are not available in other Web browsers. Because we integrate editing and browsing, you can integrate reading and editing. If you are browsing (reading) a page on a directory on the Web where you have permission to change pages, you can correct an error that you see and republish the page. You can copy material from pages you are browsing--text, images, hyperlinks, full URLs--and paste them into a page that you are authoring.
Clif Notes Freeware and Website Reviews